
The latest rants and raves about riding.

Are large bikes killing the Adventure Bike scene?

Yup that was the question posted to Austin Vince or Mondo Enduro fame. (Think the crazy uncle of adventure motorcycle touring)

It is funny but he did say yes. I can understand why. I ride my beastly 650cc all over the backroads and are baffled how someone can take their bigger, heavier and more powerful bikes on these roads. But I do have to disagree with Vince.

Well have all the posers you see in 4x4's wreck the hardcore off roading scene? Hasn't yet.

I just recently did the BC Big Adventure Ride. The ride was billed as being suitable for bigger bikes like the BMW GS Adventure. Day one was a test of man and machine, but thanks to Mark V's hard work, it was possible. And there was a mix of bikes on this adventure. There was everything from GSA's to WR250's and even a Harley sportster. The moral is that you can have an adventure on anything with two wheels. The trick is to know where your and your bike limits are and learn how to ride around them. Adventure is really in the rider not the bike.

Large bikes are excellent once your back on pavement. Also manufacturers are gunshy about bringing in small bikes into North America where a bigger is better mentality has taken hold. But also I think most manufacturers see this as a way to keep aging riders on bikes. After a while a sportbike may not be your thng, but hey there is a bike with comparable specs and a better seating position for your aching bones.

Also I go to the Horizons Unlimited meetings in Nakusp. And the attendance there keeps growing.

Vince also defined Adventure Riding as riding outside of your comfort zone. Mind you some riders I know can accomplish that by riding a streetbike through Vancouver gay district. I usually define it as touring off the beaten path with a big bike. Yeah I know it's way too close to the definition of dualsporting, but hey Adventure Riding sounds way cooler.

And so what if the poser GSA rider only parks in front of the local coffee shop, maybe one day they might get tired of just riding on pavement, maybe they just might ride off into the sunset. Or they could sell their bike to someone else who wants to.

Adventure riding will only really die, when no one wants to go anymore.

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